Making me *twitch*

So… as of April 10th, Twitch no longer allows uploads for everyone. You must be an affiliate to upload pre-recorded videos. Becoming an affiliate is not as easy as checking a box.

I feel like I’m getting into these services really late. YouTube makes it very difficult to become an affiliate. Twitch has now raised their barrier to entry. I didn’t go into this with the idea to make money. But that’s not to say that doing so wouldn’t be cool.

One of the ways to get more viewers was to have a library of videos that people could become interested in viewing. But now, unable to create that library or unable to be promoted without being an affiliate, or trying to build from the ground up just got significantly more difficult.

I started this project for myself with the idea to share it with the world. It seems the sharing and social media services have made that just a little more difficult.

I’ll be uploading a new video tomorrow. I need to edit it down a little because I talk way too much in the beginning and there’s a low level hum that it really annoying.

I’ll figure this thing out.

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