Dead or Alive, You’re Coming with Me

Well… that was a very interesting first attempt at Robocop.

I’m reminded of some of the things that modern games do to get you started. Tutorials. Descriptions. Help files within the game. Etc.

Going in to Robocop, I’m presented with a screen that makes a little sense. But only punches. At a certain point in the level, RC draws his weapon. But trying to fire it can be awkward. The enemies really are coming at you from all sides and through the air.

But a few passes, and I got the gist of the game. Read a quick instruction manual. Not too bad. The mechanics are a little awkward. For a platformer, there’s no jumping. And moving up and down on stairs or elevators is clunky at best.

But I’m excited to give it another go on Thursday. If I can get some practice time in tomorrow, I don’t see why I wouldn’t be able to get through the game.

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See you Thursday.

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