Where are we going and why am I in this hand basket?

Hi Re-players.

I’m currently working on getting two reviews and videos posted. You never realize how big a project is until you don’t have time to work on it.

This is still a very young project and I’m just now moving into game number 6. That is still less than 1% of all the games that were made for this console. Crazy, right?

I need to write down the goals of this project. Maybe a project schedule. Update the list of games with what I have to what I need. Maybe develop additional projects to go along with this. Study what other streamers are doing. I think I went into this with a full heart but an underdeveloped idea. Like when you sit down and try and solve the world’s problems. Or come up with the next great idea. but then realizing getting from point A to point B is a little more difficult that anticipated. Not even taking into account getting to point F or H.

But that has been part of the purpose of this project in the first place. Documenting how I get through each milestone. And so far, it’s just been about the games. So I’m going to incorporate some new parts into this including:

  • more blog posts about the process
  • more videos about reviews, unboxing, conventions
  • a more defined schedule
  • a more defined game list
  • better hardware/equipment
  • getting more people involved

In short… I am really enjoying this project. And what started off as a mishmash of ideas has fragmented and never really found ground. Maybe that’s not even it. There were a lot of ideas that went into this and many of them have been waiting in the wings. But now that I at least am comfortable streaming and have several hours of that under my belt, I can start expanding and hopefully attracting more people to the project.

Thanks for listening RePlayers. I have really enjoyed getting this far and am looking forward to everywhere this is going to take me.


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