The Big Shift

This move has been a difficult one. And not for any one reason. There have been so many little things that have popped up during this move that I simply have not been able to get a new video recorded or review written for two months now. But that will all change very soon.

Why, you might ask? Or maybe you wouldn’t. But I’m going to tell you anyway.

The move itself did take a bit of energy. But bigger than that was all the things that surround owning a house. Small repairs. New appliances. Permits and city inspections. Setting up utilities. You would think that many of these things would be easy in the 21st century. But they aren’t. And I had never done them before. To continue, I’m not even completely unpacked yet.

Beyond that, there was also a significant amount of travel both into and out of Denver. Work trips. Vacations. Friends and family visiting. All of these things took time and preparation.

Speaking of work… I spent three of those weeks in Santa Monica getting certified in my work software. Also, right after the move and setting up the new office I was approached by not one but three new clients. As I’m a big fan of both money and working in the field that I went to University for, I didn’t exactly want to say no. And that meant taking on one of the biggest projects of my life. A project I am truly grateful and excited on which to be working.

There might even be a small legal issue that has creeped up that I can’t really talk about yet, but has now begun to occupy more of my time than it deserves.

But I want all that to change today. By hook or by crook, I will stream tonight. It will probably be Code Name: Viper as I am still working on completing that game. Or maybe something new altogether that I can just get a little time in. Nothing serious. Just a little “let’s get back to business” kind of run. I’ll figure out a game to play today.

Thanks to everyone for being here. Thanks to my old friends and viewers for sticking around. Thanks to the new viewers to whom have shown up in the time that I haven’t actually been doing anything. And if you’re just getting here and haven’t seen anything yet, thanks for reading this.

You’re the real 8 Bit Heroes.


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