To Distant Lands
I’m in Qatar!

Over a month ago I was making plans to accompany my wife to Qatar. It was to be a little over two weeks in length. For her it was work. For me, exploration. The last week has been rough. When you’re traveling somewhere that’s 12 hours displaced, it really takes a while to shift to an appropriate schedule. I think, with about a week left, I’ve finally made the jet lag transition to the local time. On top of that, I’ve been having to keep up with my regular job on top of that. So, not ideal. But I’m caught up on work and sleep so it’s time to see what Qatar has by way of video games.

It hasn’t been easy finding anything.
First, the concept of a bar-cade simply does not exist. And that is because alcohol (apart from some high end hotels) does not exist. But then, I just couldn’t seem to find an arcade. Most of the searches through the Googs turned up video game retailers, but not arcades. I’ve been able to locate three spots that aren’t far from me. Well, nothing is really that far. Doha, Qatar isn’t that big a city. Qatar itself is about half the size of New Jersey. Or two Connecticuts. Approximately.
So today, as soon as I finish a little job related activities, I’m going to head out to a few of these places to check out what they’re playing literally on the other side of the world from Denver. Stay tuned while I post new photos and stories throughout the day.