All New Campaign
Thanks everyone for continuing to read, watch, and be patient. I know I wouldn’t (and don’t really) have the patience for this. This project really got away from me after the move. And then the travel. And then the pandemic (wash your hands). I then ran into streaming quality issues. Dropped frames. Just a bunch of despairing events in succession that made it difficult to get this thing back up and running. But I think I’ve made progress.
First, I sold off my old new systems, finally. I wasn’t playing them. They were taking up space. And then I fell into “I’m keeping it because I’m going to play it” but I honestly hadn’t turned on either of those systems in over a year. So it was time to go. Plus, I wanted a Switch and the only way I would justify a new system )that I might play) would be to get rid of the old systems (that I don’t play). So that’s what I did. I took the systems and games down to Game Force in Aurora, CO. I really wish I could remember the name of the guy working there, because it was some of the best NES and SNES conversation that I’ve had in a long time. But he got me a screaming deal for my trade-ins, so….
Second, I got a bunch of new games. I know I’m mostly out of the bulk/lot finds so I have to start paying a little more for the titles. No big deal. I’ve also reached the point that I’ve started treating myself to a pricier game when I go looking as I know I’m going to need them anyway. Here’s the current haul:

Third, I got a Switch. First new system in a while and wow. Amazing. Now I have something to do on airplanes (if I’m ever on an airplane again… wash your hands). It’s a pretty awesome system. Brought my Mii right over. Picked up Mariokart 8 Deluxe, Mario Maker 2, Breath of the Wild, and Link’s Awakening. Can’t wait to get in to some of those. Also, subscribed to Nintendo Switch Online and played my first multiplayer MK8 with another streamer, JennySwift. I bet there’s a way to do a split screen or something. That could be fun.
And finally, I’ve developed a new schedule and new programming. I know. If I can’t maintain my current programming, what makes anyone think that I can do more. Well, I’m getting better at scheduling and this is very important to me. So I’ve come up with an easy to follow schedule for myself that allows me to expand my hobby and enjoy it and share it a little more. Her is a breakdown of how it will play out.
Thursday – New Game Start
Tuesday – New Game End
Wednesday – Review of Game/Experience
First Wednesday – Video Game Movie Review
Third Wednesday – Arcade Review
Last Wednesday – Podcast
The first three are the same as it has always been. But I’ve now added it all to my work schedule so that I have a little more fire to do it. I also plan on adding streaming time throughout the week especially for longer games. The Thursday/Tuesday shows are just more official markers for what is going on. The last three are things that I’ve been wanting to do, and haphazardly doing. But wanted to give it a little more juice. So on the first Wednesday of the month, I’m going to watch a video game movie. There’s a lovely wikipedia article that lists most of them out so I’m going to use that as a guide. The idea is to watch the movie at a particular time. Live Tweet/Discord/Hangout the film with anyone else that wants to watch. And then give it a review. The third Wednesday is an arcade review. I have done/will do a bit of traveling and I like to visit arcades where I go. This is a chance to highlight an arcade in an area that I’ve been to. Just a fun drop in kind of thing. And third, I’m starting up a podcast to talk about the games I’m playing. It will be a monthly podcast where I talk about the games that I’ve played that month, what my experience was like, and so on.
So that is everything new that has happened or is happening. I have a couple more tests of this new system and location to make sure my streaming setup is working. And then I can get right back in to Wrecking Crew.
Thanks again. I hope this thing can get some traction now. Especially with a quarantine in place (WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS). Thanks!