Back on the Rails

I just finished up side scrolling shooter, The Punisher. Well, finished streaming. I still need to get a playthrough up there and actually defeat Kingpin. I made it to the end, but the difficulty between any boss and Kingpin is so stark that the game lost all fun. Especially with no way to get there quickly; no save, no password, no level select. But I’ll get there. There are a few games ahead of it. Maybe I can take the weekend and churn a couple out. Wheel of Fortune is currently being drafted.

Anyhow, tomorrow marks the first of the month. It’s also a Wednesday. According to my new schedule, I’m watching a video game movie tomorrow. And what better one to start than with the classic Super Mario Brothers.

So if you would like to watch with me, I think I’ll probably be live tweeting the film starting at 7:00 PM Mountain Time. I will then take some time to write a review either directly after or before the weekend. Need to work that part out. I know I’m going to be tired after the movie. And the last thing I want to do is get further behind on the writing. Maybe I’ll watch on the first Wednesday with a live tweet. And then I’ll post the review on the second Wednesday. That sounds like a good plan. I’ll try that.

So hit me up Wednesday April 1st. Let’s get a watch party going for Super Mario Brother the Movie.


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